Backup for Office365 with VBO

Backup for Office365 with VBO

Ben Young
Ben Young

Another release out the door and into production - always a great feeling. This time it is our  Backup for O365 offering where we have integrated out multi tenant platform with the Veeam Backup for  Office 365 product.

It uses their restful services to automate the deployment / allow for self provisioning and management of customer tenancies and jobs.

Feature set wise we have built out

  • Easy quotation of monthly costs
  • Deployment of new tenancy, configured with MFA / Modern Office365 authentication
  • Deploys the jobs, repositories and organisation based on some assumed defaults
  • Defaults can then be overridden changing things like retention settings, specific job exclusions
  • View complete job session history and detailed session views for each session

Easiest way to explain it… a video! Enjoy.. more features inbound soon.