Qlik Connect - Its not all about AI... but it is for me!

Qlik Connect - Its not all about AI... but it is for me!

Ben Young
Ben Young

When I first met Qlik at AI Field Day earlier in the year I was immediately enchanted by their AI and Machine product set - already market leading, everything from predictive models on structured data to some things in the unstructured space.

Fast forward to June 2024 and Qlik Connect is about to kick off in beautiful Orlando. With so many sessions to choose from it has been harding building my agenda and its going to be an action packed couple of days.

I am going all in on the AI/ML - here are my picks, in addition to the Tech Field Day ( #TFDx ) special on-site event which will be broadcast on Thursday.

Day 1 - Tuesday

Qlik Analytics and AI Product Roadmap Strategy and Direction

Any time you can sit with a VP of PM you should take it. These sessions are far more detailed that you will ever get from a keynote. In addition to the roadmap and strategy items I am eager to see what questions are asked and what challenges customers are hoping to solve using Qlik as the foundation.

Presenter: Ian Crosland - VP Product Management - Analytics

Unlocking the Power of AI-Ready Data Quality: Strategies & Success Stories

Having built a few proof of concepts using various AI/ML systems hands down the biggest lever that could be pulled to change the output quality is the quality of the input data. I like the way this is described:

From initial data acquisition to continuously identifying data inaccuracies and remediating issues, every step in the data quality and governance journey is crucial to drive more resilient decision-making and achieve solid business outcome

Throw in some customer stories and this will be a fantastic session.

*Presenters: * Don Pinto - Lead Product Marketing Manager - Data Quality and Governance @ Qlik Julia Fryk - Principal Data Architect/Engineer @ Waterstone Mortgage Richard FitzHarris

The AI Snow Effect: Using Wave Data in Hawaii To Predict Snow in the Rocky Mountains

I first saw AutoML in action at AI Field Day and was blown away by the success customers were having with this platform from customer churn and patient no-show predictions.

Combine this topic with two datasets I did not even know could be related enough to provide a meaningful prediction is staggering. I am all in on this one.

Presenter: Sean Stauth - Global Director AI and Machine Learning @ Qlik

Huge topic and one that will get better with time so this session is very relevant to where we are today. Every other week we see products and features being launched that contain issues such as bias and misinformation.

Excited to learn about how some organisations and tackling and monitoring this to build trust.

*Presenter: * Dan Sommer

AI Trained Bot Delivers Exceptional Client Experience and Profitability

Real world stories are the best and this one is going to resonate with most organisations, not just making something more profitable, but ends up delivering a better service to customers. This is the true magic that everyone wants by unlocking their data with AI

Presenters: Williams Faez Ulloa - Data & AI Platform Manager @ Transbank Vivien Piddo Gattás - CEO @ UpSociative

Day 2 - Wednesday

Integrating LLM in Qlik Sense for Detecting Economic and Corruption Crimes

This really is a glimpse into the future -  A system built around 11 government systems, very much including PII data to provide not only analysis and predictions but integrated further with an LLM to output instructions for prosecutors.

How is privacy handled, how is accuracy monitored, how does the system restrict access to certain data or systems based on their role? And many more questions like this queuing up.

Presenter: Vitaliy Trenkenshu @ redflags.ai

Unlock Insights in Unstructured Data with Generative AI

Every organisation has unstructured data, and usually a LOT of it -  from file servers to SharePoint and everything in between. A true goldmine. Eager to see what Qlik can provide to organisations in this space and how the data flows.

*Presenters: * Steven Pressland - Director - Product Management - AI & ML @ Qlik Ryan Welsh

Building a Trusted Data Foundation for AI

A couple of things here of interest, the general topic being the biggest. Same as some sessions on the first day, trust in AI is a big topic and very much wanting to learn some more on this topic to understand how to solve these challenges.

Secondly, the a new Qlik AI-readiness index is being talked about - I hope it is as it sounds on the box. Every organisation wants to dive into AI but not everyone is ready for a number of reasons - so this should be a good way to close out Qlik Connect.

Presenters: Sharad Kumar - Regional Head of Data Integration and Quality @ Qlik Arnaud Meyniel - Head of Data Fabric @ Qlik Simon Swan - Product Marketing Director @ Qlik