Veeam Release schedule 2020 - unbelievable cadence
It felt like a busy Veeam year and for good reason… I was just shared a slide of what they accomplished and “busy” is an understatement…
I have summarised all of these releases into a interactive timeline, you can click on the bubbles to get a quick summary and where applicable I have also included a link to the announcement or getting started guide.
What’s in store for 2021?! #v11 is days away so off to a cracking start.
If the above doesn’t work on your device this is the slide/summary
- Feb 2020 Availability Suite V10
- March 2020 Backup for Nutanix AHV v2 Service Provider Console v4
- April 2020 Backup for Azure v1
- June 2020 Backup for AWS v2 Agent for Solaris v2
- July 2020 Availability Orchestrator v3
- August 2020 Agent for AIX v2
- December 2020 Backup for AWS v3 Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v5
2020 Product Releases for Veeam