Quick script Thursday. Need to audit your virtual machine disk layouts from your production site vs your replica site?
We use Veeam for replication and it does a sterling job of shipping the data from A to B but due to the way that snapshots occur disk removals from the production site are not populated to the replication site.
Here is a very quick script to get you started and will rely on you having all replica machines with the _replica (or the same) suffix.
Quick rundown of what the code does
- Connects to both Site A and Site B
- Gets ALL virtual machines into a custom list, grabs total drive count for each
- Filters out the replicas to a list(using a simple where name like *_replica
- Loop through the replicas and do a match against all VMS where the name matches the replica name (without the _replica)
- Compare total number of disks
- Print to screen the result
You could take this as far as you need to, i.e automating the reseed via Veeams Powershell cmdlets etc
Connect-VIServer production-vsphere-address.local
Connect-VIServer replication-vsphere-address.local
$allVMs = Get-VM | Select-Object Name, @{N="Drives"; E={($_ | Get-HardDisk).count }}, ResourcePool
$replicas = $allVMs | Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*_replica' }
foreach ($replica in $replicas)
$productionName = $replica.Name.Replace("_replica", "");
$productionVM = $allVMs | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $productionName}
if ($productionVM -eq $null)
Write-Host "$($productionName) was not found!" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
if ($productionVM.Drives -ne $replica.Drives) {
Write-Host "$($productionName) has $($productionVM.Drives) drives and replica has $($replica.Drives)" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
else {
Write-Host "$($productionName) OK!" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor White